Testosterone Cycle

Testosterone Cycle

Did you know that the average male serum levels of testosterone have been in decline for the past few decades? This alarming finding has made many male health experts worried.

Testosterone’s effects represent a massive component of a man’s health, virility, and well-being. Thus, it has become common for health practitioners and men, in general, to want to understand and check their levels.

Most men suffer some testosterone decline as they age. They can suffer significant effects throughout those dips, including loss of libido, loss of erections, loss of muscle and bone strength, decreased mental capacity, poor sleep, and significant mood swings.

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As the name implies, HGH gel is just that… a gel. But not just any gel. It’s a gel that gets applied to your skin and slowly absorbs into your body. These are often referred to as transdermal HGH gels. And to go one step further, anything that you apply to your body or take from an outside source is called exogenous.

It does not need to be prescribed by a doctor and it comes in the form of a tube—much like toothpaste. Except, you do not want to be putting this stuff anywhere near your mouth or you can quickly end up with HGH gel side effects and defeat the purpose of using it in the first place.

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What is a Hormone?

Before we talk about testosterone, we need to discuss hormones. What exactly is a hormone? Many people remember this term from biology class growing up, but haven’t thought about it in years.

However, the reality is that millions of hormones are constantly circulating throughout your body to deliver desired effects. You see, hormones are like the body’s chemical messengers. When one part of the body recognizes that something elsewhere needs to change, it will send a hormone out as a message.

That hormone will then act at the target body site and cause a physiologic change. There are many different types of hormones, but testosterone is a type of hormone also known as a sex hormone.

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What is a Sex Hormone?

Sex hormones are a subcategory of hormones that function primarily to create the typical effects of body differences between men and women. Biological men and women have different types of sex hormone receptors. When they are each activated, they will create a different array of effects.

Testosterone works as a sex hormone in males to produce effects like increased muscle mass, improved bone density, and facial and pubic hair. In contrast, estrogen is the primary female sex hormone that causes breast development, menstrual regulation, and other female characteristics.

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What is a Sex Steroid?

There are many different types of steroids. At its core, a steroid is a unique class of molecules that are often used as chemical messengers by the body.

For example, you might have associated all steroids with anabolic steroids, which tell muscles and other parts of the body to increase mass and to build up tissues. However, corticosteroids are a different class of molecules used for the regulation of sugars and other internal chemical messengers.

Steroids are also used as medicines to quickly fight off inflammation in the body. They work similarly to the hormone cortisol. This is produced in the adrenal glands and is used as a stress hormone throughout the body.

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What is Testosterone?

Testosterone, as discussed above, is a steroid hormone. It stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics. These include improved muscle mass, bone density, and facial and pubic hair.

Testosterone primarily comes from the testes, but it can also be produced in the ovaries and the adrenal cortex in individuals who have these body parts. Testosterone is responsible for regulating the male sex drive, fat distribution throughout the body, and even the production of red blood cells and spermatogenesis.

Particularly in women, a small amount of testosterone will be converted to estradiol. This is another form of estrogen.

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How Testosterone Affects the Body

Testosterone will be released from the testes after production and transmitted into the bloodstream. From there, it can go throughout the body and have an effect on a variety of different body tissues. It will connect to a testosterone receptor in each of these tissues and signal for important changes.

As mentioned above, this can include anything from sex drive to bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, and red blood cell production. Because testosterone has such a wide-ranging effect particularly on men, it’s an extremely important steroid hormone for male health.

Adolescent boys who do not have enough testosterone may be subject to delayed pubertal development. This can cause not only physical problems during the teenage years but also social problems, as boys feel they are behind their peers. It’s also possible for older men who have a decreasing amount of testosterone with each passing year to have clinically low levels of testosterone.

They will begin to notice fatigue, a decrease in muscle mass and stature, and more negative side effects.

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The Benefits of Testosterone

Many people are interested in testosterone because of its ability to promote muscle mass and strength. It has been used by bodybuilders for decades to increase mass for the same amount of work in the gym.

While much of this testosterone use is prohibited in regulated sports, it’s still possible for individuals seeking to improve the appearance of their body using testosterone. There are also natural ways to increase the testosterone in your body. For example, some studies have shown that raw onion increases testosterone in your body.

As mentioned previously, certain individuals in specific medical categories may need to take supplemental testosterone to improve their health. These include adolescent boys and middle to older age men with clinically low levels of testosterone.

Testosterone therapy can also be used for women with certain types of breast cancer. The testosterone will act to decrease the estrogen response in the tumor.

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How to Get Started on a Testosterone Cycle

How to Get Started on a Testosterone Cycle

If you’re interested in using testosterone cycling for bodybuilding, you’re probably wondering where to start. A steroid cycle for a beginner will usually begin with a lower dose that pyramids upward into a much higher dose. This is the safest way to dip your toes in the water and see if going on a more advanced testosterone cycle is right for you.

It’s important to note that in this article, we do not condone the illegal use of steroids or performance-enhancing drugs in regulated athletics or sport. There are conflicting opinions about how to get started on a testosterone cycle.

Some people believe that you should go all out in the first cycle and increase your dose rapidly because you might as well get the maximum effect while your body is adaptable. However, the other school of thought contends that you should start small and work your way up because this is safer for most individuals.

Ultimately, you’ll need to decide which is best for you, however, we recommend being conservative and starting small and working your way up in terms of dosage. A 500 mg dosage per week of testosterone will be sufficient for most beginners.

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What to expect during a Testosterone Cycle?

You can typically expect to take your testosterone for four weeks of administration during the cycle, followed by four weeks without testosterone. This is for the average male or even in healthy, older men.

One study looked at the administration of testosterone in healthy men for one year with one month of testosterone on and one month off. The study found that if you take four weeks off, you’ll still have the same gains in strength and muscle maths as you would expect on a standard consistent regimen.

You’ll start to notice changes in muscle mass and strength, and may even begin to notice aerobic and cardiovascular improvements due to the increase in the production of red blood cells. Many men will also report a change in their mood and overall libido. However, it is possible to overdo it on a testosterone cycle, so we also need to discuss the risks and side effects of testosterone.

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The Risks and Side Effects

It is possible for a testosterone cycle to cause negative side effects. You might notice worsening sleep apnea. This is a serious sleep disorder that causes you to not get enough oxygen as you sleep.

If you have sleep apnea, you’ll notice your breathing will repeatedly stop and start. While for many men, this is merely a nuisance that causes headaches and a sense of sleeplessness, it can be dangerous or even life-threatening. For men who are constantly undersleeping due to sleep apnea, you can risk fatalities at the wheel or even in your sleep. Testosterone therapy also can cause acne. It may cause other types of skin reactions if your body is allergic.

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Testosterone therapy can cause a noncancerous growth in your prostate. This occurs in almost all men over the age of 50, known as benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, testosterone can accelerate this process and make urination uncomfortable and less efficient.

Testosterone therapy can also contribute to the growth of prostate cancer if it’s already present. Many men have reported enlargement of the breast tissue underneath their areolas as a result of testosterone therapy. Testosterone also limits sperm production when in excess. This can cause the testicles to shrink.

Testosterone can cause blood clots by encouraging the overproduction of red blood cells. While this does provide some aerobic benefit at first, too many red blood cells in the blood can lead to clumping together and dangerous clot formation.
If a clot breaks loose, it could travel through the bloodstream and become lodged into your lungs blocking blood flow. This is known as a pulmonary embolism and can be life-threatening.

Finally, there’s also some research to suggest that testosterone therapy may increase the risk of heart disease in men. However, this is a finding that requires more research.

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Testosterone can cause blood clots by encouraging the overproduction of red blood cells. While this does provide some aerobic benefit at first, too many red blood cells in the blood can lead to clumping together and dangerous clot formation.

If a clot breaks loose, it could travel through the bloodstream and become lodged into your lungs blocking blood flow. This is known as a pulmonary embolism and can be life-threatening.

Finally, there’s also some research to suggest that testosterone therapy may increase the risk of heart disease in men. However, this is a finding that requires more research.

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What are the Different Forms of Testosterone?

There are several different forms of testosterone available. Most of these are available as injections that you will need to take regularly. Many men will take them by injection once weekly during a testosterone cycle.

Depo-Testosterone, Delatestryl, and Aveed are common testosterone injections available to individuals looking to go on a testosterone cycle. It’s also possible to get testosterone in the form of gels like Androgel and Testim. You can find patches under the brand name Androderm. Finally, there are some capsules available like methyltestosterone and Android.

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What are the effects of Testosterone?

Taking testosterone on a cycle will increase your muscle mass as long as your receptors are able to recognize testosterone. In extremely rare cases, individuals with androgen insensitivity syndrome will not notice the effects of testosterone from exogenous administration. However, most of these individuals will already be aware that they have AIS and will not be recommended casual treatment without serious medical supervision.

However, for others, you can expect an increase in muscle mass and overall improvements in strength. It’s important to get the correct dose, especially during your first couple of testosterone cycles so that you do not have the negative effects of overadministration.


What is the right Testosterone dosage?

The right testosterone dosage will depend on your goals. If you’re looking for testosterone replacement therapy, a dosage of 200 to 300 mg per week of testosterone is a good place to start. This is slightly higher than the typical testosterone levels of a young active male.

If you are steroid cycling, the minimum dose recommended would be 250 mg per week. This is a good choice for beginners, and it will increase your testosterone to levels higher than normal. It will encourage a dramatic transformation of your body and increase strength.


What is the Best Form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

You can get testosterone replacement therapy in a variety of different forms. Most people opt for intramuscular injections. However, in many cases, this will require office visits if you’re doing it under the supervision of a physician.

Other people opt for a newer option which is a nasal testosterone gel. It comes as a metered-dose pump applicator. This will put the gel into the nostrils at a predetermined dose.

The advantage of this is that you will have a much lower chance of transferring accidental testosterone to women or children. Sometimes women or children who come into close physical contact with a male taking testosterone supplementation can adversely get unwanted testosterone. There is a much higher risk of this in men who use gels and patches to obtain their testosterone. However, the downside is that you’ll need to use the nasal gel three times a day. This is much different than injections once per week.


What is the 12-week Testosterone Cycle?

Depending on your level of experience, you may choose to cycle your testosterone for anywhere from 1 to 20 weeks. For most beginners, an 8 to 12-week cycle is typical. You’ll be taking testosterone at 300 to 500 mg per week doses in the most basic cycling approaches.

Once you become more advanced, you can cycle for longer. Some users will go all the way up to 16 or 20 weeks. However, for most beginners, a 12-week cycle maxes out the benefits in most circumstances. Taking 500 mg for 12 consecutive weeks will go a long way toward improving muscle mass and body composition.


What Happens When You Start Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

When you first start taking testosterone therapy, you may notice some changes in your body within the first few weeks. The first physical changes that you’re most likely to notice include having more oily skin, and possibly acne. The pores in your skin will appear larger, which will release more oil onto the skin.

Some individuals may start to notice stronger odors in their sweat and urine. They also may find that they perspire more frequently overall. Individuals taking testosterone replacement therapy may notice changes in erections or ejaculations after 3 to 6 months. Generally, most quality of life improvements for individuals with low testosterone will be seen within a month. However, realizing the maximum benefit for problems like depressed mood or fatigue may take several more weeks to manifest.


Testosterone Cycle Before and After

Surprisingly, one month is enough time to notice dramatic changes in your body composition. Many bodybuilders will gain approximately 15 to 25 pounds after just a month of a testosterone cycle. However, many of these individuals will be using other supplements in addition to testosterone.

It’s also important to remember that not all this weight gain will be muscle. You will also have increases in overall mass that includes fat and other body tissues.


What Side Effects Can Testosterone Cause?

Testosterone injections don’t come without their risks and side effects. In both men and women, testosterone may include swelling of the breast tissue.

You may also notice mood swings, anxiety, or headaches that develop with testosterone use. Most men and women will also notice increased facial or body hair growth. Sometimes testosterone can contribute to male pattern baldness.

There may be changes to your libido and interest in sex. In rare cases, some users will note paresthesias or numbness or tingling in the extremities. It’s also possible to have injection site pain and swelling.
As mentioned above, you also want to watch out for worsening sleep apnea, acne, and other changes to your urinary pattern that can stem from benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Finally, it’s important to keep a marker of your emotional status too. This often goes overlooked in bodybuilding circles, which tend to be stoic and herculean.

However, significant changes in your hormones can lead to improved or worsened mood depending on the person. You may find your mental health suffers, and testosterone use may not be right for you.


What Side Effects Can Testosterone Cause?

Testosterone injections don’t come without their risks and side effects. In both men and women, testosterone may include swelling of the breast tissue.

You may also notice mood swings, anxiety, or headaches that develop with testosterone use. Most men and women will also notice increased facial or body hair growth. Sometimes testosterone can contribute to male pattern baldness.

There may be changes to your libido and interest in sex. In rare cases, some users will note paresthesias or numbness or tingling in the extremities. It’s also possible to have injection site pain and swelling.
As mentioned above, you also want to watch out for worsening sleep apnea, acne, and other changes to your urinary pattern that can stem from benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Finally, it’s important to keep a marker of your emotional status too. This often goes overlooked in bodybuilding circles, which tend to be stoic and herculean.

However, significant changes in your hormones can lead to improved or worsened mood depending on the person. You may find your mental health suffers, and testosterone use may not be right for you.

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There may be changes to your libido and interest in sex. In rare cases, some users will note paresthesias or numbness or tingling in the extremities. It’s also possible to have injection site pain and swelling. As mentioned above, you also want to watch out for worsening sleep apnea, acne, and other changes to your urinary pattern that can stem from benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Finally, it’s important to keep a marker of your emotional status too. This often goes overlooked in bodybuilding circles, which tend to be stoic and herculean.

However, significant changes in your hormones can lead to improved or worsened mood depending on the person. You may find your mental health suffers, and testosterone use may not be right for you.

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There aren’t many additional medications that will mitigate the direct effects of testosterone. You can symptomatically treat some of the side effects that arise.

For example, if your sleep apnea is diagnosed and gets worse with testosterone therapy, you can switch to a CPAP machine. Or you may be able to treat the effects of male pattern balding using medication or topical applications.

However, the best way to mitigate the effects of high-dose testosterone is to ramp up slowly. Individuals who dive into the deep end with testosterone at high doses are more likely to notice unbearable side effects. It’s much better to start with a smaller dose and ramp up slowly.

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Does Testosterone Contribute to Antiaging?

Many people have argued that testosterone replacement therapy could be a potential antiaging supplement. However, this is a large claim that doesn’t come without much reservation and controversy. The reality is that much of the research in this area still hasn’t been borne out yet.

We will likely need decades of research with randomized controlled trials to truly know whether or not testosterone has a clear anti-aging benefit that outweighs its risks.

If you are concerned about the evidence of aging in your body, there are other things you can do to prevent it. Having a discussion with your doctor is the first place to start. They may recommend testosterone therapy if your blood levels are clinically low.

However, they may also encourage you to make other lifestyle modifications to increase your longevity. For example, if you are a smoker, they will likely provide you with an array of treatment options to reduce or eliminate your smoking use.


Using the Testosterone Cycle to Achieve Your Goals

At the end of the day, a testosterone cycle can be an important tool for bodybuilders and those interested in improving their physique and body composition. However, it doesn’t come without its risks. It’s always important to start slow and ramp up from there rather than to jump into the deep end with high doses of testosterone.

Knowing the risks and what signs to look out for is paramount. However, if you are serious about stacking on more muscle in the coming months, testosterone injections could be an important tool in your arsenal.