What are Injectable Testosterones?

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Injectable testosterone is a medication that mimics the natural hormone produced by the human body. Testosterone injections have been used for many years for men with low levels of testosterone caused by certain medical conditions.

In some cases, testosterone is also used in treating breast cancer in women that have reached other body parts. Testosterone injections are helpful but only if you have low T levels.

Who should not use Injectable Testosterone?

Pregnant or planning to be pregnant
Kidney or liver disease
Serious heart conditions
Male breast cancer

Prostate cancer
Testosterone injections should only be given by a hormone specialist.

What is Testosterone?

testosterone man and molecule

Testosterone is a male hormone that is produced by the testicles. There are small amounts of testosterone that are also produced by a woman’s adrenal system and ovaries.

Testosterone is a type androgenic hormone. Produced by the body this naturally produced hormone plays a very important role in the development, growth and normal functioning of the sexual organs in males and other secondary characteristics.

Where can I get a Prescription of Testosterone Injections?

It is recommended to get testosterone injections from a hormone specialist. Usually, general practitioners are not comfortable prescribing certain medication such as testosterone injections since it requires training and expertise.

This means that not every doctor or physician can prescribe testosterone to patients. In order to get a legal prescription one must see a hormone specialist, to ensure that you have your medication from a trusted and reputable source.

How is testosterone injection given?

Testosterone is injected into a muscle. The injection is typically given every 2-4 weeks.

Depending on the injectable testosterone type that was injected, the period of absorption also varies. It is imperative to understand that to avoid misuse and experience side effects, injectable testosterone should only be given by a professional in health care.

Also, the length of the treatment will be determined by a hormone specialist and will depend on the condition being treated.

Determining the Frequency and Dosage of Injectable Testosterone

In order to determine your growth hormone levels, a growth hormone specialist will perform series of test such as blood analysis, physical examination and a detailed medical history form to determine your dosage and the frequency of the injectable testosterone.

Each individual suffers from low testosterone in many different ways. And there are no two people that experience Low T the same way. This is why there is a prescription required for each person even if they do suffer similar symptoms.

Your hormone specialists can make adjustments depending on the visible effects of the treatment over time.

What are the side effects of Testosterone Injections?

Along with the misuse of testosterone is their side effect these may include

nebido injection how oftenHeart problems
Heart failure
Heart attack
Mild stroke
Liver disease seizures
Mental changes (e.g. depression, hallucinations or delusions)
loss of appetite

What drugs can affect testosterone?

Other drugs may interact with testosterone, making it less effective or making the drug you take ineffective, either way, tell your hormone specialist regarding any medicines you are taking; this includes over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products, including when you start using them or when you stop using it.

Benefits of Injectable testosterone

Increased Lean Muscle Mass – Due to the affinity of testosterone for the body’s androgen receptors allowing the increase of lean muscle mass. Though it doesn’t happen by testosterone alone you have to do your part by eating clean carbs and be responsible for taking your daily protein requirements.

Increased Assertiveness – Having optimal levels of testosterone will give clarity and helps improving thinking quality of an individual.

Better Recovery – TRT speeds up healing ability especially with soft tissue injuries, moreover, it allows fast recovery from muscle soreness (DOMS) after workouts.

Improved mood – According to Michael A. Werner, MD “Our Brain cells have this hormones receptors that largely affect mental wellness.

Males with a low testosterone level usually experience fatigue and frequently have mood swings,” he further added that “It’s also one of the main reasons of unhappiness. Males undergoing this state sometimes called andropause or ‘male menopause”.

Also, one study has establish a significant connection between depression and low testosterone, mostly men involved in the research with little levels of testosterone are dealing with some of the symptoms of depression.

Better libido – A rise in testosterone can cause sexual excitement, though there are other factors that contribute to it.

Men usually notice that they feel excitement when the testosterone levels are high, which is in the mornings, though testosterone levels vary all throughout the day.

How to Boost Testosterone levels naturally?

Sound sleep – An article from Current Opinion of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity; have discussed the importance of getting enough sleep in boosting testosterone levels naturally. Getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night is effective in boosting testosterone levels in the body.

Reduce stress – When we are stress our body produces cortisol (stress hormone), an elevated level of cortisol, makes the testosterone response by elevating as well but soon after bottoms out at a much lower level than before cortisol kicked in. Thus, reducing stress will greatly help boost testosterone levels naturally.

Healthy Fats – One study has found out that when men minimize their intake of healthy fat, free testosterone and testosterone and serum concentrations of androstenedione also decreases. This implies that low-fat diet such as food and too many carbohydrates increases the risks of testosterone deficiency.

Intermittent Fasting – Intermittent fasting doesn’t mean starving yourself, you still 3 meals a day but you have to take these meals closer together: one at noon, one at 3 p.m. and your last meal around 6 p.m, this way it helps the organs to rest, balancing and boosting testosterone levels in the body.


Minimize Sugar intake – Sugar has been linked to decreasing in T-levels in several ways. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), an individual with diabetes, are twice as likely to develop low T-levels. Thus in order to increase testosterone levels naturally sugar intake must be minimized.
