It has come time to finally put something to rest that should’ve been left for dead years ago. That would be the concept that fat is bad for you.
Just take two seconds and think about it. Fat occurs naturally in a lot of foods that you eat every day. And any food that can be found on this earth in its natural form should NOT be avoided! Check out the following HGH Diet Tips….
Use Fat To Get Fit
Unless it has been altered from this natural state and pulverized with pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers and other contaminants that make it into something completely different. Then you have problems.
But for the most part, you can’t go wrong with Mother Nature. Although she might cause an occasional delayed flight or canceled sporting event, she pretty much has it right.
The bottom line is, fat is not the devil. And when used properly, it can be a very integral part of your HGH diet and component to obtain health in conjunction with HGH injections.
Here’s a little rundown of what you need to know about this substance and how you can use it to your advantage.
You have three main macronutrients that consist of carbohydrates, protein and fat. Carbs and protein each account for 4 calories per gram, while fat contains 9 per gram.
And that right there is one of the main reasons it has gotten maligned over the years.
Fear mongers believe that eating fat will make your butt look huge because it is higher in calories than protein and carbs.
No… eating fat is NOT going to make your butt look huge!
Sitting around ON your butt, while serial-eating bowls of ice cream and serial-watching Sex and the City episodes is what will make your butt look huge.
And both of these habits should be avoided at all costs if being fit is your goal!
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Here’s the skinny—no pun intended. You have good fats, bad fats and just plain ugly fats. It should stand to reason that you only want to consume good fats.
These consist of nuts, seeds, nut and seed butters, coconuts, avocados, olives, olive oil, coconut oil, red palm oil and cold-water fish.
There are more, but these are the main ones to remember. All of these are called unsaturated fats, which simply means they are healthy.
Saturated fats are the bad ones because they become rancid and toxic when raised to high heat. You will see these in prepackaged foods, deep-fried foods and processed baked goods.
To make matters worse, when combined with simple carbs, as these often are, you can compound the damage they do.
It’s sort of like being run over by a car and then shot two seconds later. You might want to refer to this as the “double tap.”
OK, consuming saturated fat combined with simple carbs might not be THAT bad, but just know you should avoid this combo at all costs.
One last thing before we move on. Always scan labels of packages for the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated” oil of any kind. If you see this, you have just located the ugly.
And make sure to bring a magnifying glass to the store, because it will always be written in fine print.
This also gives you the green light to take that package of chocolate frosted doughnuts and throw it against the nearest wall.
Not only will you be sparing your own body from damnation, but you just could save someone else’s life too.
Of course, you might get kicked out of the store and perhaps get charges pressed against you, but at least you’ll go down as a martyr!
Benefits of Fats
Now you need to know how eating fat will benefit you. Here are a few reasons why, with details on each.
Commit these to memory so you can shout them in the face of the next person you encounter that starts ranting about fat being bad for you.
Appetite Suppression
If a boxer can’t breathe, he can’t fight. Well, if a person is too full, he can’t eat. If you strategically place enough good fats in your meals, you will fill up on less overall calories and spare your butt from getting bigger. Or any other part of your anatomy for that matter.
Related Post: The Benefits of Time Restricted Eating
Hormone Production
Do you know what the two main hormones for building and maintaining muscle are? Well, you’re already getting injections of human growth hormone, so hopefully you know that that’s one of them. The other is testosterone.
In order for your body to produce these naturally, and in optimal amounts, you need to eat fat.
If you ever went on a low-fat or no-fat HGH diet, you probably noticed a decrease in muscle size and strength.
That’s because you robbed your body of the key macronutrient necessary to produce high levels of HGH and test.
Keep the fat coming, and you’ll be able to stay strong and virle in one fell swoop.
Related Benefits of Eating Chocolate
Shock Absorption
Your joints are very important articulations that mark the junction of two or more bones.
They contain synovial fluid between them, which is a slippery, wet substance needed for shock absorption.
When you get enough fat in your HGH diet, you keep the synovial fluid healthy, and your joints stay in good working order.
This, in turn, translates to better recovery from workouts because your joints take a pounding from all that iron you’re pressing.
Brain Function
Your brain is highly composed of fat. Not only that, but it too needs fat to work properly. Especially omega-3 fat that you can find in chia seeds, hemp seeds and salmon.
Eat this stuff on the reg to ensure you don’t lose your job because you kept forgetting how to do it correctly!
Wrapping It Up
Overall, you should aim for balance with every meal you eat, regardless if you are doing one, two or three meals a day. Balance consists of a portion of protein, carbs and fat.
That way you are satisfying all the needs your body has to tick and function at high levels.
Plus, this is the best way to get fit and stay fit for the long haul. Stick with the “good” fats and let the fear mongers steer clear of all fats. Then when they come running back to you for advice on how to bulk up or get back into shape, you can say, “I told you so!”