When traveling abroad with prescription medication, each situation will be different. Airport staff are equipped to handle these situations, as tons of travelers bring their prescriptions daily. Be sure to bring the actual prescription, keep it in the original packaging, and add-on a doctor’s note for extra assurance.
Please note that any of the tips listed above are not medical advice, and you should always follow the direction of your doctor. Talk to your family physician if you have any concerns about the safety of traveling with medication, and consult the appropriate website for clarifications.
For traveling to the US, there are a few references to look at which confirm the legalities of flying with medication and more specifically Somatropin. The first is the FDA’s 5 Tips for Traveling with Medications and the second is the TSA Travel Tips – Traveling With Medication. For U.S. Customs Border and Protection, you can find information here which refers directly to the FDA who are responsible for the clearance of regulated medication.
If you travel back to the United States with medicines from abroad, you should also keep the same detailed information about it. Ask your doctor if any other written information might be needed.
For Canadian citizens, you can reference either of the following two links which clearly state the legalities of returning with medications, as well as the legality of shipping of medications on a flight. The first of the links is Travel.gc.ca and the second is Canada.ca.
If you travel to the UK with Somatropin you can apply for permission beforehand. However, you can legally travel with up to a 3 month supply of medication. You can find all exact information by visiting the UK Goverment site here.
Before you leave, it’s a good idea to prepare your medication ahead of time. For over-the-counter drugs, you will be safe packing them in your carry-on. Growth hormone and other prescription medication require a bit more preparation.
If it needs to be refrigerated or stored, prepare a cooler ahead of time. Keeping medication on hand during travel avoids the problems of lost luggage, but prepare to talk to security at the airport.
Bring your/your child’s prescription with you alongside medication. Prepare to ask the security staff to check your meds visually, rather than sliding it through the scanner. Make sure you avoid delays by pulling your medication out of your carry-on before screening.
For extra security, get a signed letter from your/your child’s doctor, stating the medical necessity of traveling with prescription medication such as growth hormone. Be sure to get a letter when traveling across country lines.
For more updated information, visit the TSA website for specific rules and regulations.
It’s completely legal to travel internationally with your prescription medication. To make the process easy, follow these tips to get across the border:
If your medication or growth hormone requires refrigeration, get everything ready well before you leave. First of all, double and triple check doctors’ instructions, as some growth hormone pens only require refrigeration prior to first use. If you have confirmed refrigeration is necessary, pack a cooler.
Get a cooler and ice packs that are carry-on friendly. Keep your ice packs frozen, as if they melt, they are considered a liquid. You cannot take more than 4 oz of liquid in a single package on the plane, so take special care to pack ice at the last minute and avoid hot temperatures.
If you are staying in a hotel, request a room with a freezer if possible. Most regular hotel refrigerators won’t keep your ice packs frozen. If no in-room freezers are available, ask the hotel staff if you can keep them in the kitchen, and they should be able to accommodate.