The Ultimate Guide to Metabolic Renewal

metabolic renewal

Did you know that women average 1.5 pounds of weight gain yearly during their 50s and 60s? This increase in weight is primarily from changes in female sex hormones during menopause, such as drops in estrogen and progesterone. But have you heard of HGH and how it affects weight? 

When you look at a popular metabolic renewal program, it emphasizes natural ways to balance female hormones. These are great starter tools to help you look and feel better. We will take it one step further, and we will show you how.

In our complete guide, we will go over what your metabolic system is, how renewal programs work, and why HGH is a critical part of the process. Keep reading on for more information!

What Is Your Metabolic System?

Before diving into metabolic renewal programs, it helps to better understand hormones and your metabolic health. At its core, your metabolism is your caloric rate. Metabolism helps convert food into energy, whether used at rest or with physical activity.

Calories are needed for several bodily functions, such as digestion, breathing, and moving. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is often roped into terms such as “high metabolism.” Everyone is different, but your BMR is how many calories you burn at rest.

Some experts pinpoint that your BMR accounts for up to 75% of calories burned daily. Here are some factors that affect your metabolism:

  • Hormones
  • Sex
  • Activity level
  • Diet
  • Body composition

For example, males often have a higher metabolism compared to females. Some of this is tied to hormones. Common thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism slow your metabolism and could lead to weight gain.

Metabolic Renewal 101

The metabolic renewal was primarily designed as a weight loss program for women. The program aims to boost metabolic rates and burn more calories. In return, it should result in an increase in weight loss.

There are four key components to the metabolic renewal program:

  1. Mindset
  2. Movement
  3. Meals
  4. Metabolics

Identifying hormones that play a role in your weight loss journey is the core piece behind the metabolic renewal program. Let’s break down the four pillars a bit further.

1. What Is Mindset?

Mindset is how you approach weight loss, fitness, and health. Stress leads to an influx in cortisol, which could result in further weight gain.

High-stress levels can also cause food cravings and poor lifestyle habits. During the pandemic, research showed that increases in sedentary behavior and stress led to higher obesity rates.

2. Increasing Movement

Movement does not include structured physical activity. It also entails increasing your resting metabolic rate through standing, walking, and more. Take breaks during work hours to stand or walk around the block.

Consider purchasing items like a standing desk to put your body in a position where it must burn more calories.

Diet and Meal Plan HGH

3. Dieting and Meal Planning

The metabolic renewal program does not emphasize strict or boxed-in dieting. Instead, it aims to fix hormonal levels and reduce cravings naturally.

The ultimate goal of dieting and meal planning is intuitive eating. This form of eating encourages healthier relationships with foods and teaches you to listen to when your body is hungry and what nutrients it needs. You will also learn skills that recognize fullness and satisfaction.

4. Metabolic Rate

The last pillar is transitioning to a fast metabolism through exercise. Incorporating movement throughout the day, such as standing, is beneficial for resting metabolic rates. However, you won’t obtain the physique and cardiovascular fitness by avoiding exercise.

The metabolic renewal program does not emphasize strenuous exercise that can disrupt hormonal balances. Instead, aim for short bursts of exercise (around 15 minutes) a few times a week.

Metabolic Hormone Quiz

The seven metabolic hormones quiz is crucial to your metabolic renewal journey. These will dictate which foods you eat and how you exercise and is the basis for the four pillars noted above. Here are the seven female hormones patterns:

  • Mixed-signal
  • Hormone overdrive (e.g., estrogen-dominant)
  • Progesterone deficiency
  • Lower than average progesterone and estrogen
  • High estrogen/low progesterone (e.g., perimenopause)
  • Deficient progesterone and estrogen (e.g., menopause)
  • Almost non-existent hormonal levels (e.g., postmenopause)

Some of these phases are inevitable, such as the shift toward menopause. But treating hormonal imbalances is where you can start feeling better, eat healthier, and notice improvements in weight. Young adulthood hormonal imbalances could lead to stress, depression, or anxiety.

These mental health factors can contribute to weight gain, fatigue, and brain fog, amongst others. Studies have shown that there are numerous hormonal therapies that could help with major depressive disorder.

Are Other Hormones Involved?

The metabolic renewal program is a short-term program (approximately three months) that primarily targets estrogen and progesterone. Human growth hormone (HGH) is also involved in weight loss and maintenance.

The weight loss guide doesn’t talk specifically about hormonal supplements or therapy. Instead, it emphasizes specific foods and activities that help “reset” your hormones and weight.

What is HGH and Metabolic Renewal Image

What Is HGH?

HGH is another hormone responsible for cellular growth, repair, and reproduction. It is produced in the pituitary gland and affects men, women, and children. In children, adequate HGH levels help with:

  • Growth
  • Bone strength/density
  • Energy
  • Weight

In adults, HGH starts declining between 30 and 40. Although these decreases in adulthood are often natural, they can lead to several debilitating conditions and side effects, such as:

  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Weight gain
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Increased cardiovascular disease risk

Women have a greater likelihood of experiencing problems during menopause with drops in HGH, such as hot flashes, osteoporosis, and dementia.

Benefits of HGH

HGH in children acts differently, such as improving height and growth. When it is used as part of a metabolic renewal program, it can help women with:

  • Improved stamina
  • Improved mood
  • Better sleep quality
  • Improved metabolism

Increases in energy and sleep also boost other hormones and help your body achieve homeostasis. HGH plays off estrogen, which is why these levels start dropping significantly when menopause hits. During this time, it is expected that women will begin gaining more weight which becomes difficult to lose.

Can You Increase Hormones Naturally?

The premise of the metabolic renewal program is to naturally boost or stabilize levels of estrogen and progesterone in women. Lifestyle factors can affect estrogen and progesterone levels. Research shows that diet may play a prominent role in women with estrogen-dominant levels.

Foods like red meat, processed ingredients, dairy, and refined grains cause spikes in estrogen. In return, it could increase a women’s risk for breast cancer and obesity. The same study found that women who primarily ate a Western diet were 14% more likely to develop breast cancer.

Those who increased their intake of fruits and vegetables had an 18% reduction. There are several metabolic diets that regulate estrogen levels, such as:

  • Mediterranean diet
  • Fiber-rich diet
  • Plant-based diet

But what about HGH levels?

How To Increase HGH

HGH can increase naturally through lifestyle changes, such as eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and adequate exercise. In most instances, HGH requires injection if you want to begin seeing any results.

These injections require a prescription and blood testing beforehand to see how many units you will need. Using HGH injections with a physician’s prescription for weight loss is legal.

By injecting HGH, you induce growth hormone production and stimulate your metabolism. Metabolic rates can increase by as much as 20%. Many of the side effects you read about from misused HGH are without physician monitoring.

Taking too many HGH units could result in several adverse side effects such as muscle pain, fluid retention, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Are Metabolic Renewal Options Effective?

The gold-standard metabolic renewal program has mixed reviews since it is short-term. The premise of it holds the key to weight loss and improving health. Your hormones are critical markers of health and are often part of the cause of added weight gain, sluggishness, and fatigue.

Hormones like HGH also factor in and naturally decrease with age, placing older adults at even more risk of these symptoms. Hormone therapy with physician prescriptions is a safe and effective way you can start noticing results when combined with healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

Start Improving Your Metabolism Today

How can you improve your metabolism? The first step is starting a metabolic renewal program. It doesn’t have to be completely regimented like the ones you see online, but it is helpful to get blood testing for estrogen, progesterone, and HGH levels to see if they are below normal ranges.

HGH testing and injections are legal through HGH Vallerta, where you use certified pharmacists in Mexico that help you get started with injections as appropriate.

Check out our list of HGH products today and find out how you can get a prescription!
