Here’s a great big, giant paradox for you to ponder. Food can heal, but food can also cause ill health, and yes, even death. But the saddest reality of all this is the fact that you cannot just sit back and enjoy your kale salad anymore. Some obnoxious, stuffy, self-proclaimed expert is going to flash a million reasons in front of your face why kale is poisonous and you shouldn’t eat it. What in the third dimension of hell has happened?
Food Crisis For Health
There was once a time when no such nonsense existed. But in the present moment, you literally can’t eat a single morsel of food without some jaw jacker talking smack about it. Then you end up confused and scared to eat anything. In the worst of cases, this can literally cause you to develop a freakin eating disorder!
Well, the madness has to stop, and it has to stop now. Let’s explore what some of these arguments are and what the actual fears are that you should concern yourself with.
Hopefully you do not suffer from too severe of short-term memory because you were just told about kale. And this looks like a good place to start.
A high amount of plants like kale, spinach, beets and other greens have these built-in defense molecules called oxalates. They are there to fend off pests and insects. It kind of sounds like a good thing, right? Nope.
The “experts” now want you to believe that said foods that contain oxalates are bad for you and you should avoid them like a crazy ex-girlfriend. But, here’s the reality of the situation.
Oxalates are actually totally fine for the body. The only people who should watch, and the key word is “watch” their intake of oxalates, are those who have a high amount of oxalates already in their system.
The wages of this can be kidney stones, which cause painful urination, blood in your urine, pain in your side, vomiting or nausea. But, the only way you would know for sure is if you actually experience these symptoms AND get a blood test from your doctor.
If none of the above is happening, then you are likely fine and you should not avoid any beneficial foods just because Joe Schmoe at work said so. You are better off visiting our anti-aging clinic to get your HGH levels up to par instead of worrying about eliminating quality foods.
Another buzzword that’s swirling around these days is “phytates.” Scientifically, the full terminology is phytic acid. But for the sake of brevity, let’s address phytic acid as phytates. These substances are now the bad guys because they bind to other minerals and escort them from your body.
But that makes next to zero sense. As long as you eat a varied diet with an abundant amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients, you will consistently replenish that which you lose. So, this theory is quickly debunked.
And what makes this even more stupid is the fact that phytates are found in foods that are very nutrient dense like whole grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and tubers. All of which are good sources of fiber and can be preventative for cancer, diabetes and constipation.
You can easily see this is a catch-22. Or you can just stick to varying your diet and getting a plenitude of all foods on a daily basis.
Do you realize there is an entire book dedicated to bastardizing lectins? Well you just learned something new today. But don’t worry, it’s just fear mongering. Lectins are much like oxalates in their ability to be protective mechanisms for plants as they grow through maturation.
In the big picture, people who have a reaction to foods that contain lectins should not eat them. Duh… The same can be said about any food though!
With lectins in particular, you might experience digestive issues and feel stomach pain. But again, this is in the rare occasion that you are sensitive in the first place. Plus you have to realize they are mostly found in beans and plants that are not cooked.
Who the hell eats beans that are not cooked?! Maybe someone with no teeth tried it before. And the only reason WHY they have no teeth is because they tried eating uncooked beans.
It has to be mentioned because it’s still egregiously believed that fruit is the devil. So many people have adopted super tight and restrictive diets that are in favor of high fat and protein these days, that fruit has gotten thrown out the back window of a moving car.
But it is not the fruit that is the problem. Not only is it loaded with water for hydration, but it contains a high amount of fiber and many vitamins and minerals.
Perhaps if you ate about 10 lbs. of fruit a day, you would end up raising your diabetes risk and maybe packing on some weight.
However, if you eat it moderately, it can bring a world of good to the body. And yes, even bananas!
To Eat or Not to Eat
Here’s the quick summary of this entire situation. If you eat certain foods and feel good, then keep eating them. If you feel bad, then don’t. Its not really any more complicated than that.
Simply put, you need to have awareness with your diet. Pay close attention on how you react to everything, regardless if it is beans or legumes or baby spinach or collard greens.
But on the average, if you show no signs of problems, do not fear any food. The goal is always to aim for balance and get as much variety as you can.