As a man, you likely know the importance of human growth hormone (HGH) and the HGH benefits for males. But just in case you are unfamiliar with the HGH for Men hormone, here’s a bit of an anatomy lesson.
You possess this tiny gland in your brain called the pituitary. When you are young this gland pumps out a high amount of the hormone known as human growth hormone.
Evidenced by the name, you can clearly see that its main function is to promote growth. More specifically, height is one of the main things attributed to HGH at this age. Boys can grow several inches a year for multiple years in a row when HGH is hitting on all cylinders.
However, there are some kids who experience short stature syndrome where the pituitary is not working properly. They are then often diagnosed by a specialist and put on some form of HGH treatment.
Aside from actual growth, HGH also contributes to the development of male characteristics like a deeper voice, body hair, muscle gain and sexual function. Once physical growth stops at around the age of 19, HGH is still important, but it in different ways. Here is more detailed information on HGH benefits for men.
After you are done growing, HGH takes on a host of other roles that become vitally important to the health of a male. First of all, it is the main hormone involved with sex drive, along with testosterone.
It enables you to achieve an erection and actually crave sex. When levels are low, it can have a major impact on relationships and trigger someone to seek out the best HGH for men exogenously. This simply means from a source outside of the body.
Additionally, HGH is necessary for brain function, memory, energy, muscle maintenance and strength all rolled into one. The sad reality of aging is, HGH starts to go down as the number of years you are on this earth goes up.
That can cause frustration and depression, and make someone motivated to move the needle back in their favor. That’s where HGH for men for sale can come to the table.
Simply put, HGH for men is a means of treatment that can help get this hormonal issue back in balance and give them back the vitality, energy and gusto they once had. When done correctly and under the right supervision, it really can be a monumental game changer.
Growth hormone deficiency is not uncommon. If you find that you ARE deficient, don’t be hard on yourself and think you are a failure. It’s just part of living and it can happen to anyone. In fact, it does happen to everyone to some degree. There are just those who get affected harder than others.
Here are several telltale signs of human growth hormone deficiency. If you recognize any of these symptoms, you might want to consider getting an HGH dosage for men.
• Lack of energy
• Sleep disturbances
• Low sex drive
• Inability to concentrate and stay focused
• Loss of muscle
• Weakness
• Moodiness
• Dry or irritated skin
Some of these symptoms may be new to you and others you may recognize. Overall, HGH for men’s health cannot be stressed enough in the grand scheme of things. If you are able to get this hormone back up to par, you can make your adult years as graceful and easy as possible.
The truth is, you “should” have a prescription to take and get HGH. You can’t just walk into a pharmacy, plunk a wad of cash down on the counter and leave with a vial of HGH in your pocket. It is a regulated pharmaceutical that you need to be prescribed by a physician or licensed clinician.
Having said that, some guys who are deficient take to the streets to find the best HGH for men. They choose the path known as the “black market” to score a treatment that they think can change their world. Or, they may know a dirty doctor who will hook them up.
If you decide to venture off on this tangent, you are playing with fire. Not only do you subject yourself to possible legal ramifications, but you don’t know what kind of stuff you are getting. It could be fake and it can really do more harm than good if taken on a regular basis.
You are always better served coming to a legitimate clinic like ours here at HGH Vallarta where you will go through the proper testing protocol and be prescribed the right and correct form of HGH.
Having said all of that, you do not NEED to be deficient to take HGH. Often times, guys try to take it to get an advantage in sports or just get bigger at the gym. These are the dudes who fall into the black market shopper category.
If you paid any attention to professional sports over the years, you have probably seen some of the well-known athletes who have gone down this road and got caught. They fight it as hard as they can because they have the money to do so. But rarely is there a happy ending to their story.
Just know that you CAN get an HGH dosage for men, but you really shouldn’t do it by illegal means.
If you are suffering from any of the side effects mentioned above, then you are definitely a candidate for HGH. But the true answer to this question is multi-faceted. First of all, you have the question when should you take it? As in, when do you feel the time is right? Then you have, when do you literally take it? As in, what time of day and week?
To answer the first part, it simply comes down to how long do you want to continue feeling the way you do? If you are so sluggish and depressed that you can barely make it through the day, and you are feeling weak all the time, then it’s a good indication you should get on the best HGH for men treatment that you can find.
As for the second question, your doctor will give you the exact time and frequency to take HGH. As a rule of thumb, you want to inject yourself in a fatty or muscular area on your body. It’s often the thigh, stomach or upper arm. The main thing is you do not want to use the same injection site multiple times in a row because it can lead to irritation.
And the frequency is once a day or a couple times per week, depending on what you are prescribed by your doctor.
As for the second question, your doctor will give you the exact time and frequency to take HGH. As a rule of thumb, you want to inject yourself in a fatty or muscular area on your body. It’s often the thigh, stomach or upper arm. The main thing is you do not want to use the same injection site multiple times in a row because it can lead to irritation.
And the frequency is once a day or a couple times per week, depending on what you are prescribed by your doctor.
Unless you are a phlebotomist or doctor yourself, it is impossible to self-diagnose your HGH level. The only way to get it done is by way of a blood test. And you can do that through your own doctor or a phlebotomist.
Once your results have been tested in the lab, they are sent to the doctor you will be using for treatment. He’ll then go over your numbers and see exactly how off you are. In the event he determines you are low or deficient, he will then get you started on HGH therapy.
It’s all up to you at this point to stay on the protocol and follow it as closely as possible to get the best return on investment.
The best HGH for men can lead to the best benefits for men’s health. At least, that is the hope. The HGH benefits for men can reverse all the issues you’ve been having and make you feel good again. Much like that feeling when you’re really thirsty from cutting grass in the hot sun and you have a nice tall glass of kombucha when you’re done.
You let out a big gasp of “Ahhh” after taking a few glugs and you feel so satisfied. The same can be said when you do HGH for men’s health. Here are some of the primary benefits you can expect to see:
• Better cognitive function
• Improved sleep patterns
• Mood regulation
• More strength
• Added muscle mass and improved muscle tone
• Higher libido
• Healthier skin with less wrinkles
• Faster recoveries from workouts and physical activities
If you are feeling out of balance, the you should surely look into getting
treatment done.
Reversing the aging process, or boosting longevity, is a very hot topic with men and women alike. They seek out a whole host of means to turn back the hands of time. The good news is, HGH benefits for males do not stop with being bigger, stronger, faster and a love machine in the bedroom. It also involves longevity.
The whole structure of the body is reliant on healthy cell function and collagen. Everything from your skin to organs to muscles to hair follicles rely on high-output cells and collagen to stay healthy and youthful.
With age comes a decline in cell formation and collagen. As a result, the skin starts to sag and become unhealthy, organs start to not work as efficiently, bones become weaker and the list goes on.
Most of this is actually caused from a decrease in HGH. So, when you do HGH treatment, you can promote healthier cells and collagen production, which in turn, has an anti-aging effect on the body.
Bodybuilding dates all the way back to the early 1900s when aesthetics started to become a big thing. The workings of guys like Charles Atlas, Bernarr McFadden and Eugen Sandow sparked a wave of interest that was felt across the whole nation.
A popular destination on the west coast called Muscle Beach popped up and men would think nothing of spending 2 hours a day, working on their bodies and trying to get as big and strong as possible.
At that time, they were not afforded the ability to get HGH supplements for men or any form of treatment because both were pretty much nonexistent. But, because of the popularity of this phenomenon, you can bet your bottom dollar that a product line like HGH for men’s physique would have them lined up around the block.
That being said, you can fast forward to modern times and guys who are still thirsty for more size and strength in the bodybuilding world turn their attention to the black market to get their hands on something that can boost their progress.
Although this is a risky and usually sketchy practice, some guys are not deterred and they get the “gear” they want. In fact, they often use HGH in conjunction with testosterone and multiple derivatives. The actual dosage is unclear because they often deploy the hope-and-poke method. They get their hands on syringes, read about how much they should take and start the injection process. Then they beef up and they’re happy campers.
The only problem is, they are subjected to unwanted side effects. For example, since their body is getting HGH from an outside source, it doesn’t feel the need to produce it naturally.
Over the course of time, this makes them incapable of producing the hormones they’re taking and they’re basically screwed. In these cases, they need to cycle it where they take injections for a while and them come off them for a while and repeat. That’s still not the best way to go about things, but it’s better than continual, long-term use.
Everyone reacts differently to different stimuli. For some guys who just start taking HGH, they may need a mere 4 IUs once every few days to start building muscle.
But for those guys who are really deficient in HGH, it could take 8 or more with an injection every day of the week.
Remember though that the sole purpose of getting HGH benefits for men should be to improve all facets of your physical and mental health; not just packing on mass amounts of muscle. That is just one of the many default benefits that you can be in for.
There are several main reasons that drive men to get on an HGH therapy program. Frist of all, it might be because they’re sex drive has declined to the point where it is affecting their relationship.
It could be because they’ve noticed a big drop-off in muscle size and strength. And in other cases, it can be that they are not getting adequate sleep and they find themselves in a bad mood more often than not and things they used to like to do have no appeal to them anymore.
Much like building muscle, the dosage that men will receive for any of the said reasons mentioned is going to vary, depending on how low their levels are to start with. If they are solely looking for HGH for men’s health or trying to be more competitive at a recreational sport that they fancy, the end story will be the same.
Their doctor will prescribe a dose that is safe and effective based on their current levels. Then it will help ALL of the conditions in one fell swoop that they’re dealing with. And the amount can be anywhere from 4 to 15 IUs.
Much like building muscle, the dosage that men will receive for any of the said reasons mentioned is going to vary, depending on how low their levels are to start with. If they are solely looking for HGH for men’s health or trying to be more competitive at a recreational sport that they fancy, the end story will be the same.
Their doctor will prescribe a dose that is safe and effective based on their current levels. Then it will help ALL of the conditions in one fell swoop that they’re dealing with. And the amount can be anywhere from 2iu’s to 6iu’s .
Once HGH is injected, the body recognizes it as if it was produced naturally. It then sends a signal to the endocrine system to put in motion the functions necessary for homeostasis, which is a balance of all the body’s systems.
If someone cannot produce HGH at all, then they may have to continue using it for their entire lives. As long as they do not experience any harmful side effects and it makes them feel and look good, there is no harm in that at all.
There is a usual rule of thumb when an HGH dosage for men is taken. During the first few weeks to a month, changes are normally seen on the inside. Things like better sleep, improved focus and memory, and improved mood are commonly experienced.
When it comes to HGH for men’s physique however, this usually starts in the second month. The body particularly starts to burn abdominal fat and muscle begins to appear. Since muscle is highly metabolic, it further contributes to fat being burned at rest.
You are then left with a more toned look and more weight being lost. If you follow the treatment plan perfectly, eat clean, exercise regularly and do fasted workouts, your success rate will be even greater.
Men who have gone through the hard work of losing weight and getting in shape are proud to display their bodies and talk about their success. Take Tony Waldheim, for example. According to Tony, “I feel stronger, lighter and more fit than I have in decades. I really wish I got HGH therapy sooner.”
Carl Valdosta reports, “I’m a very result-oriented guy and I tend to be impatient. So I was defeating myself from the start. But literally within weeks, my energy went up, my mood improved and before I knew it, the fat in my midsection disappeared. At close to 60 years old, I have a body that I never thought possible!”
If you are a man struggling with any of the issues you just read about, now is the time to take control of your wellness. You owe it to yourself to be healthy, happy, fit and in good mental shape. Give us a call and we would love to accommodate your needs.
Out team of experts are top-notch and everything about your visit is safe, secure and confidential.