Chawkolate Soup | Change your HGH Results

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You have soup, you have chocolate and you have raw food. Put them all together and you get Chawkolate Soup! Just what the heck does this have to do with HGH injections you ask? Well, if you are savvy and cerebral, it has a lot to do with them.   

In order to experience HGH results before and after you enter the clinic, you have to be good and ready to make changes. Not just physically, but mentally. Your mind needs to be in the right place.

And the best way you can reach this pinnacle is by getting your diet fixed. Eating two or three square meals a day in a time-restricted window is a really good starting point. But, if you happen to have a sweet tooth, what happens then?

You may think because you are eating fewer times during the day, you can compensate by shoveling more calories down your throat. Although it might be true that you need to eat bigger meals to compensate for the reduction in frequency, this still doesn’t open the door for junk food or sugar-laden desserts like cream puffs and pastries.

It’s always in your best interest to follow the sunlight directly to the place of peace and healthy offerings. And that right there is where Chawkolate Soup comes to the table.

You are the Master

Aside from getting an HGH dosage administered by your doctor, you should take 100 percent ownership of your life. Especially your diet and fitness protocol. What does this look like? Well, to put it simply, focus on the smaller things and do them every day with zero excuses.

Perform at least 30 minutes of exercise, cut back on the alcohol, say positive affirmations, and cut things out of your diet that is harmful. This is a good start.

how to increase hgh naturally with food and exercise

And in doing so, add things or substitute things into your diet that are beneficial. The keyword here is “substitute.” A chocolate-glazed doughnut might be really tasty once it hits the roof of your mouth. But over time you can pay a dear price.

Doughnuts are soaked with simple sugar and saturated fat—the deadliest combination for raising diabetes risk. The easy thing to do is, eliminate doughnuts from your diet, and your vocabulary for that matter.

But, that’s not always easy. So, your second best option is to substitute something else into your diet that gives you the same euphoria but will not eventually put you into cardiac arrest. And that’s where Chawkolate Soup comes in.


Ok, let’s stop beating around the bush. You now know what to do. You just need to know how to make this concoction and what it consists of. In order to even get to that stage, you’ll have to do some shopping at your local health food store. Or, you can likely get all of these ingredients online.

Here is what you will need and the amounts for a single serving. You can easily scale this up by adding more of each ingredient. Chances are, if you have a family, once they get a taste, you WILL be scaling up.

  • 1 tbsp raw coconut manna
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao butter crumbles
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao nibs
  • 1 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 1 tbsp cranberries
  • 1 tbsp raw pistachios
  • Drizzle of coconut nectar
  • Pinch of sea salt


It is so easy to make this dessert that it’s criminal! Add the manna and cacao butter to a bowl and microwave it for 30 seconds. Take it out, add the rest of the ingredients and mix well with a spoon until you reach an even consistency. Boom, you’re done.

If you do not have a microwave or like using one, then put the manna and cacao in a small saucepan and heat it on the stove until melted. Then proceed with the rest of the instructions.


Are you ready for the great news? This dish is off the charts in antioxidant power! And as you should be aware, antioxidants are powerhouse molecules that destroy free radicals in your body. It’s free radicals that cause inflammation, cellular damage, and a host of unsavory conditions to develop over time.

It’s always in your best interest to take in as many antioxidants as possible. And this dish makes that chore very easy and convenient.

Chawkolate Soup is also high in healthy, unsaturated fat. The very same type of fat that your hormones rely on for production. That means, when you eat this, you can get a second boost of testosterone and HGH.

You will also find a decent amount of dietary fiber residing in your bowl. Fiber helps keep the digestive system on track and it also helps prevent colon cancer and diabetes.

Lastly, you will be pleasantly surprised at how good this tastes. It more than compensates as a healthy alternative to doughnuts and other sugary treats.

Tips and Hints

If you do not like cranberries, feel free to substitute them with any other power-packing berry-like goji berries, raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries. Or feel free to add all of them in. You can get as creative as you’d like.

And just for the record, the sea salt is added because it gives a really nice sweet and salty flavor that so many people love. If you happen to not like this combo, simply leave the salt out.

Finding Your Way

Changing your lifestyle doesn’t mean you have to give up the things you love. But it does require you to do a little work and have a little bit more discipline. When you surrender and just simply look for healthier alternatives like Chawkolate Soup, you can easily get through life with a smile of satisfaction on your face.
