A Guide To Humatrope: Prescriptions and Use

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If you are familiar with synthetic growth hormones, then you have probably come across the word Humatrope – a human-made form of HGH, first approved in 1987 to treat kids who were growing slowly because their bodies could not make enough growth hormone. 

Only short people can understand this, but if you are shorter than your peers, you tend to be uncomfortable with your height. height chart icon

Being tall changes how you feel about yourself. Being short comes with many struggles, and you might feel self-conscious about it.

Some short people have even tried to wear heels to look taller, and heels can be very uncomfortable.

This is not to say that being short is a problem. If you are comfortable with your height, then you have no problem.

The problem comes in when growth hormone deficiency affects other functions of your body.

What Dosages Is Humatrope Available In?

The drug is available in 6 mg, 12 mg, and 24 mg cartridges to use in a HumatroPen® injection device. It also comes in vials for use with a needle and syringe.

Who Can Take Humatrope?

Mostly, doctors prescribe this drug to treat kids with slow growth or those who are short because:

  • Their bodies do not make enough growth hormone
  • They have Turner syndrome – These kids have idiopathic short stature. This condition means they are more concise than 98.8% of their peers of the same sex and age. Or they are growing at a slow rate, meaning they are unlikely to reach standard adult height.
  • They have SHOX deficiency – These children are smaller than average at birth for a few weeks of pregnancy and do not achieve standard height by the time they are 2–4 years.
  • Adults with growth hormone deficiency can also use the hormone. Growth hormone deficiency in adulthood can be due to trauma, hypothalamic disease, radiation therapy, pituitary disease, and surgery.

A health practitioner can suggest Humatrope for other conditions not listed above. If this medicine is given to you without your doctor’s recommendation, always ensure that you speak to the doctor about it.

Additionally, never stop using the drug without consulting a doctor. You should never give this drug to anyone else without a doctor’s prescription.

Formats Humatrope Is Available In

Vial package – A package of Humatrope comes with one vial of diluent and one vial of somatropin 5 mg (15 IU). Diluent: m-cresol and glycerin. Non-medicinal ingredients: vial glycerin, dibasic sodium phosphate, and mannitol.

Cartridge package for use with Humatro-Pen – Every kit comes with one cartridge of 24 mg (72 IU), 12 mg (36 IU) or 6 mg (18 IU), with a diluent connector and a 3.15 mL syringe of diluent.

How Humatrope Works

As you already know, Humatrope is a synthetic form of human growth hormone. Growth hormone is a crucial hormone for growth produced by the pituitary gland.

The hormone is then distributed into the bloodstream, where it is distributed to other body tissues.

In the body cells, the hormone stimulates the production of another crucial hormone essential for growth, known as insulin-like growth factor 1.

The hormone will therefore stimulate growth in your cells, tissues and organs.

How Do You Use Humatrope Cartridge?

Each recommended dose depends on the state and body weight of the patient. The doctor determines the right dose of Humatrope you need.

Doctors administer the drug through injections only. They inject it subcutaneously, but they can also administer it intramuscularly.

The doctor will determine which way is the best. If the doctor injects it under your skin, they will ensure that they rotate the injection site so you can minimize the risk of fat wasting at the area of injection.

If you are self-administering the drug at home, the doctor should ensure you know exactly how to use it.

Ask all necessary questions to make sure that you are using the drug exactly as prescribed. For more details, always refer to the appropriate package such as for mixing the drug and for the right injection procedures.

It is wise to visit your health practitioner during treatment to ensure that the drug is working effectively and safely.

Note that several things can affect the dose of the drug that the patient needs, such as body mass and other medical conditions.

If your health practitioner recommends a treatment different from the ones listed in this article, never change the way you use the drug without consulting a health practitioner.

What Happens If You Miss a Dose?

It is crucial to use this drug exactly as prescribed. However, if you miss a dose, call the doctor immediately for further instructions.

Avoid taking a double dose to make up for the missed dose.

How Do You Store the Drug?

  • First, always ensure that you are keeping this drug away from children. You should refrigerate cartridges and vials and protect them from freezing and light. Provided you store the bottles and cartridges in a refrigerator, after preparing the drugs by mixing with the given diluent, they are viable for up to 21 days, while the cartridges are viable for up to 28 days. If you notice the solution is discolored or has particles, avoid using it.
  • Never dispose the drugs in wastewater (flushing it down the toilet or sink) or in the household. Your doctor or pharmacist will advise how to dispose of the medications when you no longer need it.
  • You should also read the patient instruction leaflet that comes with the drug each time you want a refill or are getting new medication.The way the drug is injected depends on the brand you are using. Consult with your doctor or pharmacist before injecting to assure the way you are using the drug is correct. It is crucial to change the area of injection to avoid causing any problems under the skin. It is vital to know how your treatment works and to follow the instructions carefully.
  • Never shake the solution while mixing. Shaking makes the drug stop working correctly.

People Who Should Never Take This Drug

  • Anyone with active cancer
  • Children with closed epiphyses or growth plates
  • Anyone with a brain tumor
  • People with severe illness due to surgery or those with respiratory problems
  • Those with diabetic retinopathy

In conclusion, Humatrope is very safe if used correctly. Always ensure you are following the doctor’s instructions when it comes to using this drug.

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